SULEDO Community-based Forest Reserve: A Contested Terrain between Peasants and Pastoralists in Kiteto District, 1990–2016
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)
This paper examines how the establishment of the SULEDO community forest reserve
caused land use conflicts between peasants and pastoralists in Kiteto District from
1990 to 2016. The peasants complained that the government had deliberately made
it possible for pastoralists to get more benefits from the reserve since they were
allowed to graze their livestock in the reserve, which took large parts of their former
agricultural land. Conversely, the grabbing of land by peasants in the forest reserve
caused complaints from the pastoralists who claimed that the peasants were
grabbing their grazing land in the reserve. Using archival sources, fieldwork
interviews, and secondary sources, the study found that the establishment of the
SULEDO, by de facto, favoured the pastoralists and directly affected the peasants. The
peasants interpreted the establishment of SULEDO as a confiscation of their land by
the government in the interest of the state and Maasai pastoralists. The reserve
authorities restricted the peasants from expanding their farms, did not allow them
to collect firewood and building materials, or undertake related activities in the
reserve. This planted seeds of hostility between the peasants and pastoralists. This
article argues that the government’s conversion of land into forest reserves without
considering the heterogeneity of the community in terms of land use, escalated
conflicts over land between the peasants and the pastoralists in Kiteto District.
Furthermore, the adoption of inappropriate approaches to conflict resolution did not
end the conflicts; instead, the conflicts changed their nature and magnitude.
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- Management Practices in Uganda: The Case of Budongo Forest Reserve. The Commonwealth
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- Tanzania? International Forestry Review, 16(1): 23–38.
- Anonymous Author. 2015. Equator Initiative, SULEDO Forest Community, Local Sustainable
- Development Solutions, for People, Nature, and Resilience Communities.
- URT: File, 2013, in the District Court of Kiteto at Kibaya, Criminal Case No. 80 of 2012 between
- Republics (Complainant) against Bakari Hemedi Saidi (Accused) Judgment.
- URT: File, 2013, in the District Court of Kiteto at Kibaya, Criminal Case No. 282 of 2012,
- between Republic (Complainant) against Michael Msami and 4 others (Accused).
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- Stability of Forest Reserve Boundaries in the West Mengo Region of Uganda. Ecology and
- Society, 1(11): 16–33. http: //
Allegretti, A. 2015. Maasai Ethnic Economy: Rethinking Maasai Ethnic Identity and the 'Cash
Economy' Across the Rural-Urban Interface, Tanzania. PhD Thesis, the University of
Manchester (United Kingdom).
Antonio, A. 2015. Maasai Ethnic Economy: Rethinking Maasai Ethic Identity and the Cash
Economy across the Rural Urban Interface in Tanzania, PhD thesis, University of
Arnold, J.E.M. 2001. Paper, 25 Years of Pastoral Community in Africa.
Beyene, A. D., et al. 2022. Does Participatory Forest Management Increase Forest Resource Use to
Cope with Shocks?: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia. Environment for Development Initiative.
http: //
Blomley, A. et al, 2014. Does Participatory Forest Management Promote Sustainable Forest
Management in Tanzania? International Journal of Forest Review, 16(1): 23–38.
Clemence, A. 2009. Forest Income and Rural Livelihoods under SULEDO, Community Based Forest
Management in Kiteto District, Dissertation, Sokoine University of Agriculture.
Kiteto District Council (KDC). 2010. File, Ardhi, Kijiji cha Engusero Sidani. Kiteto District Council (KDC). 2013. File, Mashitaka kwa Uvamizi Ndani ya Msitu wa Hifadhi ya
Jessica, S. & Richard, E. 2002. State and Community Based Natural Resources Management: The
Case of Moribane Forest Reserve in Mozambique. Conservation and Society, 28(2): 401–420.
Joseph Obua et al. 1998. Attitude of Local Community towards Forest Management Practice,
in Uganda: The Case of Budongo Forest Reserve. The Common Wealth Forest Review, 77(2):
Magessa, K. & Mbeyale, G. 2013. Power Struggles in the Management and Utilization of Suledo
Village Land Forest Reserve, Kiteto District, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature
Conservation, 82(2): 50–67.
Kangalawe, H. 2018. Plantation Forest in Tanzania: History of Sao Hill Forest, 1939–2015, PhD
thesis, University of Stellenbosch.
Kiteto District Council (KDC). 2013. File, Ardhi, Kijiji cha Engusero Sidani.
Kiteto District Council (KDC). 2013. File. Mashitaka kwa Uvamizi Ndani ya Hifadhi ya SULEDO.
Kiteto District Council (KDC). 2014. File, Misitu, Hifadhi ya Misitu ya SULEDO.
Kieteto District Council (KDC). 2001. File, Kiteto District, Forest Department, 2001.
Kieteto District Council (KDC). 2001. File, Misitu, Hifadhi ya Misitu ya SULEDO, 2014.
Kieteto District Council (KDC). 2001. Repoti Fupi ya Wilaya ya Kiteto District, 2001.
Koponeni, J. 1994. Development for Exploitation: German Colonial Policies in Mainland Tanzania
–1914. Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society.
Lydia, N. 2010. The Effectiveness of Community Participation in Forest Resources Management
and Poverty Reduction in SULEDO Forest, Kiteto District in Tanzania. MA Dissertation,
University of Dar es Salaam.
Macura, B., et al. 2012. Local Community Attitude towards Forest Outside Protected Area in
India: Impact of Legal Awareness, Trust and Participation. Ecology and Society, 16(2).
Resilience Alliance Inc.
Magessa, K. 2013. Power Struggles in the Management and Utilization of SULEDO Village Land
Forest Reserve, Kiteto district, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature
Conservation, 82(2): 50–67.
Makero, J. S. & Malimbwi, R. E. 2012. Extent of Illegal Harvesting on Availability of Timber Species
in Nyanganje Forest Reserve, Tanzania. International Forestry Review, 14(2): 177–183.
Marmo, J. 2021. The History of Conflicts over Land Use between Pastoralists and Peasants in
Kiteto District, Northern Tanzania, 1945–2016. PhD Thesis.
Matiku, P., Caleb, M. & Callistus, O. 2013. The Impact of Participatory Forest Management on Local
Community Livelihoods in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya. Conservation and Society, 11(2):
–129. http: // Mgaya, E. 2016. Forest and Forestry in Tanzania: Changes and Continuities in Policies and
Practices, from Colonial Times to the Present. The Geographical Association of Tanzania,
(2): 45–58. Mwakasendo, C.A. 2009): Forest Income and Rural Livelihoods under SULEDO, Community
Based Forest Management in Kiteto District, MA dissertation, Sokoine University of
Obua, J., Banana, A. Y. & Turyahabwe, N. 1998. Attitudes of Local Communities Towards Forest
Management Practices in Uganda: The Case of Budongo Forest Reserve. The Commonwealth
Forestry Review, 77(2): 113–118. http: //
Owubah, C.E., Donkor, N.T. & Nsenkyire, R.D. 2000. Forest Reserve Encroachment: The Case
of Tano-Ehuro Forest Reserve in Western Ghana. International Forestry Review, 2, 105–148.
Schafer, J. & Bell, R. 2002. The State and Community-Based Natural Resource Management:
The Case of the Moribane Forest Reserve, Mozambique. Journal of Southern African Studies,
(2): 401–420. http: //
TNA, Tanganyika Territory. 1923. Acc.104, the Report of the Provincial Commissioner of the
North Province.
TNA, Tanganyika Territory. 1926. FOS: File No. 114, Administrative Reconnaissance in
Southern Maasai Land, Migrated Maasai into the other Districts, the Report by R.H. Gower,
Administrative Officer.
Treue, T., Ngaga, Y. M., Meilby, H., Lund, J. F., Kajembe, G., Iddi, S., & Burgess, N. D. 2014.
Does Participatory Forest Management Promote Sustainable Forest Utilisation in
Tanzania? International Forestry Review, 16(1): 23–38.
Anonymous Author. 2015. Equator Initiative, SULEDO Forest Community, Local Sustainable
Development Solutions, for People, Nature, and Resilience Communities.
URT: File, 2013, in the District Court of Kiteto at Kibaya, Criminal Case No. 80 of 2012 between
Republics (Complainant) against Bakari Hemedi Saidi (Accused) Judgment.
URT: File, 2013, in the District Court of Kiteto at Kibaya, Criminal Case No. 282 of 2012,
between Republic (Complainant) against Michael Msami and 4 others (Accused).
Vogt, N. D., Banana, A. Y., Gombya-Ssembajjwe, W. & Bahati, J. 2006. Understanding the
Stability of Forest Reserve Boundaries in the West Mengo Region of Uganda. Ecology and
Society, 1(11): 16–33. http: //