Access to Educational Publications and the Copyright Law in Tanzania: Revisiting the Underlying Opposing Interests
Journal of Humanities & Social Science (JHSS),
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020)
In Tanzania, the right to education is guaranteed under the Constitution. For such a
right to be effective, easy access to educational publications is a key factor. However,
these publications are a subject of copyright protection; hence users must obtain prior
permission before use. The copyright law has provisions for free use or fair use, which
is intended to allow certain prescribed uses without prior authorization of the author,
such as use for educational purposes. In Tanzania, the enactment of the Copyright and
Neighbouring Rights (Licensing of Reproduction and Rental Rights) Regulations in 2014
has presented a new legal dynamic by compelling all educational institutions to pay fees
for the use of published materials. Educational institutions in the country are opposed
to this obligation. Resolving this predicament requires a legal and regulatory review to
assess the interplay between issues of access to education, and copyright protection to
draw a balanced regulatory framework.
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